Below are a sample of websites showcasing some of the sites I have built over the years. Some sites have a WordPress front-end, but will use a "child theme" so that the formatting and CSS styles can be manipulated to fit the look and feel the organization has requested.
Many of the sites connect to separate MySql databases which will hold data such as membership, students, entry forms into festivals and competitions, and is used to create festival performance schedules and reports.
The website is used by members of the association to update teachers on upcoming events and student entry into those events. It is also used to attract new members into joining and parents/students to find a teacher who participates in these events.
The website uses a WordPress front end, and PHP for the member only pages. The Find a Music Teacher page uses a PHP tie-in so that content from the MySql NMTA membership database displays all of the current members, along with a custom search to find teachers anywhere in Nebraska.
The member only pages includes forms to update their membership information, documents and information for members only, and entry into several festivals and competitions. When a student is entered into a festival, the festival chair will be able to schedule each individual student into a specific performance room and playing time, calculated automatically by level (performance minutes depend on level) and previous start time. This has saved the chair countless hours manually figuring out each of 300+ student performance times. If a student needs to change time, teachers can do so within their own studio (group of students) or request the chair to find someone to switch times with. The new eFestival that was added this year because of COVID-19, brought fields to upload music scores (sheet music pdf) and YouTube video links. To comply with copyright laws, when a judge views the pdf, they are not allowed to copy, download or print these files. Judges also were able to enter performance ratings and comments.
This website is another music association focused upon it's members to pass along upcoming events and student entry into those events. It is also used to attract new members into joining and parents/students to find a teacher who participates in these events.
The website uses a WordPress front end, and PHP for the member only pages. The WordPress uses a child theme to make CSS and PHP changes to specific pages for added customization.
This website is an html one page site to showcase the properties they have available for lease.
This html/php site is targeted at the home owners and those looking to move into the neighborhood. The board is able to log in and make announcements, post newsletters and keep track of owner lot information.
This website is an html/php site used to replace their paper brochure they sent out annually. This site outlines all of their rules and during the entry period will show teachers the required repertoire for that year.
This is new website that is still a work in process (waiting for client information). It is a WordPress website so that the client will be able to log in and write their own posts. I am working on the photos and possibly a video on the homepage to support their animal hosptial.
Earlier this year, I had the opprotunity to build two slide show videos. First, my youngest daughter's 5th Grade Farewell and second, my Nana's funeral. I took hundreds of pictures and placed them in a slide show, then edited together 5-6 songs to go along with the video. Each video was about 20 minutes long.
Personal and professional references are available upon request.